A list of good things:
I got my bike fixed and I’ve been able to go on a few rides around the city. Damn, I have really missed cycling. There is nothing better than destroying yourself up an incline and then riding smoothly down a hill. It’s one of the best feelings in the world.
We have finally found a balance of staying safe and socializing with folks. Everyone is going their own pace with covid stuff and we have been extra cautious these last couple of years. Especially when I was pregnant and when Izzy was first born. I have/had so much anxiety and just didn’t want to cause her harm. I also didn’t want to cause my parents harm by bringing illness into their house. The coast is not clear for many people so I’m super aware that everyone has their own boundaries regarding that. But I’ve been super glad to get outside more and start meeting up with people for walks and that sort of thing. For the most part, I can be pretty introverted and that’s fine with me. But I have to admit, taking more time to actually “see”friends these last few months has been really good for me.
Izzy is teething like crazy these days but for the most part, she’s sleeping through the night. Holy moly are we thankful. Sleep is a precious thing and I am always thankful for when I get 6-7 hours straight. I think it’s hilarious that a few years ago, I was obsessed with trying to get 8 hours of sleep every night. I can now function efficiently off 6. When I used to hear coworkers (with kids) talk about that I would secretly think “HOW” ….but now literally any sleep is better than the level of newborn sleep deprivation we experienced those first 8 weeks.
I got to see my little cousin nieces about a month ago. The last time I saw them was prepandemic and they were so small. They were toddlers or babies. Now they have totally levelled up and it has blown my mind. Time shifts as you get older. It’s so interesting how quickly things happen now versus 15-20 years ago. Or even back when you were a kid and a summertime felt like years versus now, where there’s only so many weekends you can plan things. It’s strange. But anyways, I am very thankful to see relatives esp the littlest ones.
Thesis. My thesis defence is next week. It’s almost over. I’m nervous and excited. Mostly excited. Wish me luck!